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Abstract (English):
INTRODUCTION. The relevance of the medical rehabilitation of children with scoliosis is due to the high prevalence of the disease in the structure of pediatric orthopedic pathology (up to 27.6%), the severe, progressive course of the disease during puberty (50.0%), and the high risk of early disability. The complex application of high-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy and therapeutic corrective gymnastics is one of the promising methods of medical rehabilitation of scoliosis in children. AIM. To establish scientifically the use of high-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy in the medical rehabilitation of children with grade II scoliosis. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study involved 90 children aged 5-18 years, suffering from scoliosis of the II degree, divided into three equal groups: the study group – received a complex effect of high-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy and corrective gymnastics; 1st comparison group – high-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy; 2 comparison group – corrective gymnastics. All children underwent a dynamic clinical and functional examination. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. In the majority (89%) of children who received physical factors, an improvement in orthopedic status was noted, more significant (p<0.05) – in the group that received their complex effect. Their positive impact on the indicators of functional endurance of the muscles of the back and abdomen, more significant with a combination of two physical factors, was revealed. The combined use of high-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy and corrective gymnastics contributed to a more pronounced improvement in the parameters of the cardio-respiratory system. According to laser Doppler flowmetry, a favorable dynamics of microcirculation parameters was revealed, significantly more significant with the separate influence of high-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy and the complex influence of physical factors (p<0.05). CONCLUSION. Based on a comprehensive assessment of the dynamics of clinical and functional parameters in children with scoliosis of the II degree, a statistically significant therapeutic efficacy of the combined use of high-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy and corrective gymnastics (83.3%) was proved, which is significantly higher than with the separate use of high-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy (66.7%) and corrective gymnastics – at 56.7%.

scoliosis, children, high-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy, therapeutic corrective gymnastics, orthopedic status, laser Doppler flowmetry
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