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Abstract (English):
INTRODUCTION. In accordance with the adopted new concept of healthcare in the Russian Federation and current legislation, the development of medical rehabilitation and habilitation in the Russian Federation is largely determined by the level of professional education of personnel with higher medical and non-medical education. In these conditions, an extremely important question is (which Universities) and how (under what programs and under what conditions) can and should train personnel in the field of rehabilitation in new specialties. AIM. To reveal the current problems of professional retraining of physical rehabilitation specialists according to the new model of medical rehabilitation and to determine the requirements for universities for setting up the programs for new specialties in the area of medical rehabilitation. CONCLUSION. The main requirements for universities planning to train physical rehabilitation specialists include: the availability of trained personnel – professors and practitioners in the field of medical and physical rehabilitation, able to give not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills in a new specialty, as well as the availability of a sufficient number of clinical bases of various profiles, the use of which would ensure compliance with the principle of “rotation” (change of profiles and stages of rehabilitation during the internship).

physical rehabilitation, universities, professional re-training, healthcare, internship
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