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Abstract (English):
Diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs are one of the urgent medical and social problems. The eff ectiveness of the rehabilitation measures carried out depends on their compliance with functional disorders and the degree of disability associated with them. Aim. To study the dysfunction of the disabled person’s body and, based on them, to assess the limitation of vital activity and the degree of their severity. Material and methods. The study was generated in xlsx format and uploaded to the environment for statistical data analysis (https: using methods: documentary, data copying (184 units). Data processing and analysis were performed using scripts. For continuous normally distributed variables, the average value, the standard deviation, were calculated when comparing two groups of studies — the t–criterion, when comparing several groups — the ANOVA. Medians, 1st and 3rd quartiles were calculated for continuous abnormally distributed variables, and when comparing groups, the Kruskall- Wallis criterion was used. Absolute and relative frequencies were calculated for categorical variables, and when checking the conjugacy tables of 2x2 sizes, the Chi-square criterion or the Fisher criterion was used. Spearman’s rank correlation index was calculated for each pair of categorical variables. The signifi cance level when testing statistical hypotheses was assumed to be 0.05. Results. It was found that in patients with blood and hematopoietic organs diseases, the greatest proportion in the structure of impaired functions were violations of the functions of the blood system and immunity, cardiovascular system, neuromuscular, skeletal and movement- related (statodynamic) and total functions, the severity of which, as a rule, was moderate. In the structure of restrictions of vital activity, the following restrictions of vital activity were determined: self-service abilities of the 1st degree, self-locomotion of the 1st degree and work activity of the 1st degree. Conclusion. Expert- rehabilitation diagnostics based on samples of diff erent numbers and nosology among persons who have passed examination at the ITU bureau, allows us to form an idea of the amount of rehabilitation measures required for them, including in the conditions of assessment according to the requirements of the International Classifi cation of Disorders, Disability and Social Insuffi ciency. The expert- statistical assessment of this contingent of disabled people allows us to predict the volume of examinations, to assume a prognosis for the course of diseases and to plan the volume of medical and rehabilitation care.

disability, impaired functions, physical dysfunction, blood diseases, age group
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