To date, a new coronavirus disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (also known as COVID-19) has become a serious public health problem worldwide. Unfortunately, there are no specifi c drugs for the treatment of this infection until now. It is known that COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 betacoronavirus, which mainly aff ects the cells of the respiratory and digestive systems. There are scientifi c data on the eff ectiveness of a number of physiotherapy methods for a new coronavirus infection, which justifi es their inclusion in the complex rehabilitation within the in-patient stage. Aim. This work aimed at the scientifi c justifi cation of the physical factors use in the rehabilitation programs of patients after pneumonia associated with COVID-19. Material and methods. 60 patients (40 women and 20 men) who had suff ered from COVID-19 pneumonia were examined. The time from the onset of the disease was on average 2 months. The study involved patients with mild and moderate pneumonia. The patients were randomly divided into 2 groups. The fi rst group (30 patients) received low-intensity magnetic therapy for the chest area, infrared laser therapy for the lung roots, chest massage, therapeutic gymnastics and a course of hyperbaric oxygenation. The second group (30 patients) received high-intensity magnetic stimulation of the respiratory muscles, infrared laser therapy on the lung roots, chest massage, therapeutic gymnastics and a course of hyperbaric oxygenation. Results. As a result of the conducted rehabilitation programs, there was an improvement in the well-being of patients in both groups. There was a decrease in shortness of breath, an increase in physical activity, a decrease and disappearance of pain in the chest area. This was confi rmed by a signifi cant reliable dynamics of the 6-minute walk test and the laser Doppler fl owmetry parameters and spirometry. Positive dynamics in the C — reactive protein parameter and a tendency to improve the D –dimer parameter were revealed. The changes in the studied parameters were more signifi cant in patients of the second group. Conclusion. Thus, analyzing the results obtained, it can be argued that the developed comprehensive treatment programs for patients who have suff ered pneumonia associated with COVID-19 lead to clinical improvement in this category of patients. However, more signifi cant changes in the studied parameters were noted in the group of patients that received a comprehensive program that included a high-intensity electromagnetic fi eld.
COVID-19 pneumonia, laser therapy, magnetic therapy, hyperbaric oxygenation
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