Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The surgical procedure for an artificial joint – the endoprosthesis implantation significantly improves the patient’s quality of life and has a significant impact on his rehabilitation optimizing, necessary for a normal life in the future. Due to its anatomical characteristics and biomechanical ratio, the hip joint plays a critical role in maintaining body balance and proper gait. Endoprosthesis is used in a significant hip joint function disorder. Indications for the endoprosthesis may be degenerative changes, various injuries or some congenital disorders. A degenerative change, like coxarthrosis, leads to surgery due to its progression in almost all cases. Depending on an operator and a patient, this procedure can be performed in several ways depending on the chosen access to a thigh. Today, the direct access is most commonly used from the front, side, and rear. The difference is in a place of entry into the joint and the damage to the muscles caused by the procedure itself. Physiotherapy is required after the procedure. The process of physiotherapy begins immediately after the surgery, on the first day after the procedure. It is believed that, in the period of three to four months after rehabilitation, the patient can return to almost all the previous usual activities, of course, after examination and consultation with the doctor. Aim. To analyze the literature data on modern aspects of arthroplasty in the hip joint osteoarthrosis Results. Various arthroplasty complications in coxarthrosis can be associated with errors in the surgery techniques, as well as the lack of patients’ motivation. The number of studies concerning quality of life and therefore health is growing, and the research results can be used as relevant ones to represent the state of each individual group.

hip joint arthroplasty, osteoarthritis, prosthesis, rehabilitation, physiotherapy
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