In a study by American scientists, it was noted that most of the injuries of ballet dancers occur on the lower limbs, as they are subjected to increased loads. Ankle joints injury with ligament injuries is the most frequent and complication-prone type of injury. Insufficient attention is paid to the accidents prevention and replenishment of the sensorimotor deficit in the process of recovering from this injury. According to a focused literature review by Mackenzie M.H. et al. on the epidemiology of acute sprain of the ankle ligaments, chronic instability of the ankle joint develops in 40% of patients who have experienced such an injury for the first time, characterized by repeated sprains and sensations of instability of the ankle joint. Aim. To analyze the process of rehabilitation of ballet dancers with the ankle joint injury, identify the shortcomings of rehabilitation programs, to study the effect of proprioceptive training programs in reducing the incidence of repetitive ankle sprains in athletes and ballet dancers with a history of ankle injuries. Conclusion. Suspension systems exercises can provide training not only for individual muscle groups, but also for proprioceptive sensitivity training, correction of postural disorders due to trauma, and most importantly, sensorimotor training under controlled conditions, which reduces the risk of possible re-traumatization.
ballet, trauma, rehabilitation, exercise, proprioceptive training, sensorimotor deficit, injury prevention, suspension system, anti-gravity therapy, sling system, neuromuscular control, myofascial bands, functional stability
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