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Abstract (English):
COVID-19 has seen a rise in cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Treatment (rehabilitation) of COVID-19 survivors is one of the most difficult tasks, and non-drug correction of lipid metabolism in COVID-19 survivors is complicated by the low level of research on this issue. Aim. To conduct a comparative assessment of lipid metabolism and to estimate the efficacy of COVID-19 patients at the stages of rehabilitation in a sanatorium. Material and methods. The study enrolled 117 patients with CVD and after endovascular treatment (EV) who underwent COVID-19 for the last 6 months. Three groups for non-drug treatment with intranasal B1 electrophoresis and low-intensity infrared laser irradiation (LILI) were formed in patients with CVD who underwent COVID-19. Results and discussion. A significant increase in total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides (TG) was found in 75.5% of patients after COVID-19, which was reflected in the electrocardiogram (ECG) in the form of right ventricular (RV) overstress. In addition to drug therapy, a combination of intranasal drug electrophoresis B1 and low-intensity infrared laser radiation (LILI) in pulsed mode (l=904 nm, power (PM) – 8-10 W/cm2, pulse duration 100-150 ns, frequency 80- 10000 Hz) on projection zones of the liver (angle of the 9th intercostal space in front/right and behind/right 5 minutes each) with special physical exercises can become as a method of additional lipid-correcting action. Lipidogram values in patients with IBI, HD and MI differ significantly, with the prevalence of total cholesterol levels, especially in patients with CAD and MI after a history of covid-infection, demonstrating the negative impact of viral infection on metabolic processes. Physiotherapeutic treatment in sanatoriums helped to eliminate lipid-vascular shifts – potential risks of thrombotic complications. Conclusion. Lipid metabolism correction in patients with CVD after COVID-19 allows reducing the risk of complications of the underlying disease and increasing the efficiency at the stage of recovery (rehabilitation) in a sanatorium.

cardiovascular pathology, follow-up treatment, sanatorium conditions, COVID-19
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