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Abstract (English):
INTRODUCTION. The beneficial effect of the ozone therapy use in acute serous gestational pyelonephritis is well-known. However, in the scientific literature there is no information on the effect of medical ozone on the functional state of placental fetal blood flow with this pathology. AIM. To study the dynamics of fetoplacental complex parameters in women suffering from acute serous gestational pyelonephritis using ozone-oxygen mixture. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The studies were conducted on 93 pregnant women at the age of 28 (16-39) years old suffering from acute serous gestational pyelonephritis, gestational age was from 14 to 26 weeks, who were randomized into two groups: the first/study (n=46) group and the second/control (n=47) one. The control group of pregnant women took only the drug standard according to the Federal Clinical Guidelines. In the study group, drug therapy was supplemented by intravenous administration of an ozone-oxygen mixture. Both groups were evaluated in the dynamics of ultrasound examination of the fetoplacental complex, as well as uterine and placental blood flow Dopplerometry. DISCUSSION. The increase in the effectiveness of restorative treatment of women with acute serous gestational pyelonephritis including ozone therapy is due to an increase in the initially reduced diastolic blood perfusion rate; summation of the therapeutic effects of ozone and pharmacotherapy; enhancement of pharmacopotential value of the used medicinal preparation. CONCLUSION. Parenteral application of ozone-oxygen mixture in programs of restorative treatment of women with acute serous gestational pyelonephritis provides significant improvement of functional state of placental-uterine blood flow.

serous, acute gestational pyelonephritis, ozone therapy, pregnancy complications
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