Introduction. Rehabilitation of visual functions in childhood is an urgent problem for pediatric ophthalmology. Researchers are constantly looking for new rehabilitation measures for diseases such as myopia and retinopathy of prematurity. But not least important is the timely and effective implementation of rehabilitation measures to restore binocular functions in case of strabismus. Aim. This study aims to analyze bifoveal fusion recovery using method of LCD glasses with alternating occlusion of visual fields and compare its efficacy with orthoptic treatment using synoptophore Material and methods. Ninety-nine patients with prior esotropia, post-operative absence of bifoveal fusion and residual angle of deviation <10° were treated. All patients were hyperopic, the spherical refraction was not more than 4.75 diopters, the cylindrical refraction not more than 1.5 diopters. At the same time, presence of mild amblyopia was allowed. Patients with vertical strabismus and cyclotropia identified during synoptophore examination and cyclotropy examination using Maddox rods, as well as patients with concomitant ophthalmic pathology were excluded. All patients underwent a standard ophthalmological examination, as well as determination of binocular vision by a 4-point test, a study on a synoptophore with the determination of the objective and subjective angles of strabismus. The main group included 46 patients who underwent treatment by alternating occlusion of visual fields with LCD glasses continuously for 4 hours/day, the control group included 53 patients who underwent synoptophore treatment for 12 months (3-4 courses). The observation period was 12 months. Results. Bifoveal fusion and binocular vision were significantly more often recovered by LCD glasses treatment as compared to the sinoptophore treatment. Stable bifoveal fusion was formed in 32 (69.5%) and 11 (21%) children, unstable in nine (19.6%) and two (4%); treatment was ineffective in five (10.9%) and 40 (75%) patients, respectively. Binocular vision was obtained in 18 (39.1%) and 11 (21%) patients, and taking into account the subsequent diploptic treatment in cases with unstable bifoveal fusion in 12 more patients (66.7%) in the main group. Conclusion. Alternating occlusion of visual fields with LCD glasses is a more effective mean of bifoveal fusion and binocular vision recovery than orthoptic treatment with a synoptophore in patients after successful strabismus surgery.
kosoglazie, sensornaya fuziya, vosstanovlenie, zhidkokristallicheskie ochki, sinoptofor, reabilitaciya kosoglaziya
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