Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article is devoted to an overview of modern medical robots used in everyday rehabilitation practice and hospital services. At the same time, the emerging problems and new challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic are analyzed. Logically structured medical and technical solutions using innovative robotics are proposed. The concept model of the multifunctional autonomous robot "Helper" which is presented in the article has 7 functions that are critical in the face of a pandemic: movement along the specified routes; disinfection of premises and robot self disinfection; biometric identification; delivery of medicines; interpersonally communication; possibilities of telepresence and telemedicine; interactive musical-acoustic and virtual psychotherapy. It is an attempt to find effective practical response to the most serious challenges of our time associated with the pandemic aimed at reducing the risks of nosocomial spread of infection, unloading medical staff, providing psychological and service assistance to patients with COVID-19 who are undergoing rehabilitation treatment. The conclusive idea of the article is that medical robotics plays an increasingly significant role in the process of modern rehabilitation treatment and hospital services, which become especially important during a pandemic control and liquidation of its consequences. The relevant robotization of Healthcare Service has strategic importance with high medical, social and economic potential.
medical robotics, rehabilitation, pandemic COVID-19, disinfection, drugs delivery, musical psychotherapy, telemedicine
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