Objective: to assess the awareness of doctors exercise therapy about the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Materials and methods. Survey of 336 trainees of advanced training courses in the specialty "physiotherapy exercises" on a standardized questionnaire, which included test questions and characteristics for identifying groups (length of service, category, presence of academic degree, place of work). The calculation and comparison of the average score by the Student's criterion and the percentage by the Fisher criterion, the correlation analysis by the Spearman's criterion were made. Results. 255 (75.9%) of respondents are aware of the classification. The average test score in this group was 2.8 ± 2.0, and the maximum score (6) scored 31 people. The awareness of persons with a category, academic degree, working in specialized medical organizations participating in scientific research is much higher than among respondents without a category (t = 4.8), without a scientific degree (t = 3.2), not working in specialized organizations (t = 10.1), not participating in scientific work (t = 8.2). Awareness depends on experience rs = -0.2. Conclusion. Lack of awareness among physicians of exercise therapy about ICF indicates the feasibility of including ICF topics in continuing education program and developing training courses of various informational depth.
physician awareness, doctor questioning, ICF, International Classification of Functioning, doctors exercise therapy
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