During the first year of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, more than 60 million people were infected. Of these, almost 20% had the consequences after it, the so-called "Post-COVID syndrome", which manifests itself in various long-term painful symptoms. The causative agent of the disease, the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, primarily affects the lung tissues and disrupts gas exchange that leads to acute respiratory distress syndrome, systemic hypoxia, when, first of all, the blood saturation system is destroyed. Severe complications of this infection require the active development of methods to eliminate and prevent the consequences of infection with coronavirus. Therefore, the search for effective rehabilitation method, especially of the respiratory system specifically after suffering from pneumonia caused by COVID-19, is extremely urgent. As a result of numerous studies, the possibility of using the method of normobaric interval hypoxic training was justified. At the same time, the respiratory surface and the number of alveoli in the lungs increase, the mass of the respiratory muscles increases and the neurons of the respiratory center hypertrophy occurs as a result of which the efficiency of the ventilation function increases. Inflammation in the lungs can last for several weeks and then fibrosis occurs in place of the damaged areas. This shows the absolute need for effective methods of rehabilitation, first of all, of the bronchopulmonary system after suffering from pneumonia caused by COVID-19. Interval hypoxic training, as an effective non-specific method of increasing the body's defenses is indispensable in rehabilitation after viral pneumonia. It is shown that the combined use of interval hypoxic training and the method “Detensor” for the gentle long-term traction of spinal column can reduce or eliminate ventilation and perfusion disorders in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This justifies the possibility of using these methods for correction of bronchopulmonary disorders as a non-invasive and non-pharmacological support in the complex of rehabilitation measures for Post-COVID syndrome.
Post-COVID syndrome, coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, normobaric interval hypoxic training, method «Detensor», gentle long-term traction of spinal column
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