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4. Clutton-Brock T.N. Behavior of maral (Cervus elaphus L.) of calving time / T.N. Clutton-Brock, F.F. Guiness // Behavior. 1975. - Vol. 3/4.
5. Yadrintsev N.M. Information about maral breeding in Altai // Altai in the works of scientists and travelers of the XVIII - beginning of the XX centuries. - Barnaul: ACUNB. 2009. C. 95-100.
6. Lunitsyn V.G. World market of antler products. Scientific papers / RANEPA. Sib. Separate VNIIPO. Barnaul, 2005. P. 5-14.
7. Seo M., Kim J., Kim H, Choi E., Jeong S, Nam K., Jang M. Stem Cells International. 2018; 2018: 3891404
8. Eger V.N. Bioenergy maral. Novosibirsk, 1995. P. 3-8.
9. Ibragimov F.I. Basic medicines of Chinese medicine. M., 1960. P. 33, 271-273
10. Kolesnichenko Yu.I. Some questions of the application and study of medicines of animal origin in Eastern and Russian traditional medicine. Health care of Belarus. 1967. №2. P. 55-57.
11. Clutton-Brock T.N. Behavior of maral (Cervus elaphus L.) of calving time / T.N. Clutton-Brock, F.F. Guiness // Behavior. 1975. - Vol. 3/4.
12. Yadrintsev N.M. Information about maral breeding in Altai // Altai in the works of scientists and travelers of the XVIII - beginning of the XX centuries. - Barnaul: ACUNB. 2009. C. 95-100.
13. Lunitsyn V.G. World market of antler products. Scientific papers / RANEPA. Sib. Separate VNIIPO. Barnaul, 2005. P. 5-14.
14. Seo M., Kim J., Kim H, Choi E., Jeong S, Nam K., Jang M. Stem Cells International. 2018; 2018: 3891404