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Abstract (English):
INTRODUCTION. Rehabilitation of children with knee joint injuries is very relevant due to a high prevalence of such a localization of injuries leading to loss of limb function and often requiring surgical treatment and intensive rehabilitation. AIM. To establish scientifically the isolated use of low-frequency pulsed electrostatic field and in combination with robotic mechanotherapy in treatment of the knee joint capsular ligamentous apparatus injuries in children. MATERIAL AND METHODS. 60 children aged 13 to 18 years with damage to the capsular ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint were included in the clinical study. The study group was represented by 30 children receiving a combined effect of the low-frequency pulsed electrostatic field and robotic mechanotherapy. A comparison group of 30 children was exposed to the low-frequency pulsed electrostatic field. Medical rehabilitation was prescribed in the early post-immobilization period after arthroscopic operations. To determine the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation techniques, we used orthopedic status assessment, a subjacent determinationof the severity of pain syndrome according to the VAS, clinical assessment of motor deficit, laser Doppler flowmetry, ultrasound examination of knee joints, infrared thermography, and psychological testing using the Spielberg-Hanin scale. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. A prospective open randomized comparative study revealed a more pronounced regression of pain syndrome, earlier restoration of the motions in the injured joint, and relief of posttraumatic synovitis signs when using two physical factors in children with damage to the capsule-ligament apparatus of the knee joint in combination. The clinical and functional results obtained are of great importance in injuries of the knee joint with the risk of contracture formation in the postoperative period. CONCLUSION. High therapeutic efficacy, good tolerability of procedures, and the absence of adverse reactions substantiate expediency of the low frequency pulsed electrostatic field introduction in combination with robotic mechanotherapy for injuries of the capsular ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint in children into the practice of children’s medical and preventive medical organizations.

children, trauma, knee joint, medical rehabilitation, low-frequency pulsed electrostatic field, robotic mechanotherapy
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