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Abstract (English):
INTRODUCTION. One of the most important directions of the development of children’s balneology is the improvement of sanatoriumresort treatment of children. On November 26, 2018, the Russian Government approved the Strategy for the Development of the Russian Sanatorium-Resort Complex, which aims to increase the availability of health resort treatment; development of therapeutic areas and resorts; effective use of natural therapeutic resources; and improvement of the material and technical base of health resort organizations. In recent years there has been a tendency towards intensifying scientific research in the field of children’s balneology: the problems of adaptation of children’s bodies to contrasting climatic conditions are being brought up to date; questions of medical climatology concerning the specific features of meteopathological reactions and the development of methods of their correction and prevention using both natural factors and hardware physiotherapy technologies are being actively studied; scientific research on balneotherapy – a traditionally widely used method of resort therapy – is being revived; AIM. To analyze the history of the formation of children’s balneology and physiotherapy and to assess its current state. CONCLUSION. An important area of pediatric physiotherapy is the development of personalized physiotherapy based on the provision on the maximum effectiveness of physical treatment methods applied taking into account the individual characteristics of the young patient’s body. Today, innovative physiotherapy technologies are widely included in individual medical rehabilitation programs for children with various diseases. Thus, nowadays, children’s balneology and physiotherapy have a good theoretical, methodological and personnel base for the effective solution of urgent problems in pediatrics. Advances in the study of the mechanism of therapeutic action of natural and artificial physical factors open up new prospects in the development of innovative technologies of resort pediatrics and physiotherapy. Unsolved problems determine promising directions for the development of balneology and physiotherapy in pediatrics.

children’s balneology, physiotherapy, health resort treatment, medical rehabilitation
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