Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Stroke remains one of the most common reasons of disabilities worldwide. Aphasia, memory and cognitive problems are among common stroke consequences signifi cantly reducing stroke survivors’ life quality. To grant access of a large number of stroke survivors to rehabilitation services, and sustain continuous rehabilitation during pandemic, the telerehabilitation can be used. This article summarizes current approaches on telerehabilitation of post-stroke patients with aphasia, cognitive and memory problems. Authors made a search of research articles and review papers from international medical journals indexed in Scopus, Sciencedirect, and PubMed databases. The resluts show that the telerehabilitation is feasible providing signifi cant clinical outcomes and can be organized synchronously and asynchronously to meet needs for increasing demand of post-stroke patients. Despite the positive eff ects of telerehabilitation, there were some limitations. To overcome these limitations, further clinical studies on large groups are needed.

telerehabilitation, post-stroke telerehabilitation, cognitive rehabilitation, memory rehabilitation; aphasia, exergames, virtual reality (VR)
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