Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of the developed rehabilitation complex for patients after surgical treatment of traumatic lesions of the cervical spine using David 140 and 160 simulators, therapeutic group exercises for the shoulder girdle muscles and exercises in swimming pool. Material and methods. The research involved 28 patients. All patients, after surgical treatment of traumatic cervical spine injuries, underwent a complex of rehabilitation measures with the help of therapeutic group exercises for the shoulder girdle muscles (mixed exercises), exercises in swimming pool in order to train the postural muscles of patients and the use of simulators: David 140 Cervical flexion and extension/ Lateroflexion (Cervical Extension/Latheral Flexion Device), David 160 Cervical Rotation. Results. The effectiveness of the developed rehabilitation complex was evaluated and proven using David Spine Concept functional motor tests. Conclusion. Trainings on David simulators in combination with therapeutic group exercises for the shoulder girdle muscles strengthening and exercises in swimming pool for postural muscles training have a positive effect in rehabilitation measures to improve the quality of patients’ life after a surgical treatment of cervical spine traumatic lesions.
rehabilitation, traumatic injury, surgical treatment, cervical spine traumatic injury, simulators
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