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Abstract (English):
The problem of overweight (obesity) is steadily increasing. Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of a new comprehensive rehabilitation program on the dynamics of weight and body composition indicators using different methods after the rehabilitation stage and long-term results. Material and methods. Men and women aged 40 to 65 years with a body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m2 were included in the study. The patients were further divided into two groups by simple randomisation. Both groups underwent two weeks of medical rehabilitation on a low-calorie diet. The patients of the main group (group 1) received 4 methods of therapeutic physical exercises. Patients in the comparison group (group 2) were treated only with aerobic exercise and therapeutic gymnastics. A dynamic observation was carried out immediately after the course, after 3 and 6 months. Results and discussion. According to the data obtained, there was a significant reduction in body weight in both groups after completion of the treatment phase, p=0.0001. There was a significant reduction in abdominal fat thickness after 14 days, 3 and 6 months in the main group (from 67.5[50.0;77.5] to 56.0[50.0;68.0] to 46.0[37.0;50.0] to 50.0[38.0;70.0] mm respectively). We obtained a significant (p<0.05) decrease in fat mass according to bioimpedanceometry in the main group after 14 days and 3 months, respectively (from 65.7[49.2;72.1] to 60.9[42.2;66.7] to 55.3[39.3;62.2] kg, respectively). In group 1 the reduction in adipose tissue by air-substituted body plethysmography was also significantly (p<0.05) different after 14 days, 3 months respectively (from 56.8[41.3;77.5] to 49.7[40.1;57.1] to 44.4[34.4;64.4] kg). Body composition analysis data over time confirm the effectiveness of comprehensive programs in weight loss. Conclusion. A new comprehensive program including aerobic and strength training, kinesohydrotherapy and balance therapy combined with a low-calorie diet showed more significant effects on weight loss, reduction in the thickness of fatty folds and changes in body composition, including at long-term follow-up, than the standard method of rehabilitation.

obesity, kinesohydrotherapy, body composition, rehabilitation, bioimpedanceometry, air-substituted body plethysmography, fat-fold thickness
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