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Abstract (English):
An urgent task today is the formation of scientific approaches to the creation of a system to assess the effectiveness of medical technologies in sports medicine, taking into account the increased requirements not only in assessing their safety, but also with the mandatory analysis of their impact on the parameters of functional readiness of the athlete. We conducted the study using a comprehensive methodological approach developed in terms of the possibility of its application in case of mono-factorial exposure (means of pharmacological support). Aim. To determine the effectiveness of pharmacological agent’s complexes indicated for use in the prevention of fatigue by their effect on physical performance and psycho-emotional state of persons professionally engaged in sports. Material and methods. We performed a retrospective analysis of 30 athletes involved in skiing sports (biathlon, cross-country skiing and cross-country skiing) and evaluated the efficacy of two combinations of pharmacological agents not included in the WADA banned list, indicated for the prevention of fatigue, compared with placebo. Functional state of the athletes was estimated on the 7th and 15th days according to the parameters of endurance testing on the “Norwegian” protocol “until failure”, 5 loading steps, psychoemotional state (hardware-software complex “Diamed-MBS”, psychological status (Lusher test, WAM, Mini-Mult) on the 7th and 15th days. We analyzed the dynamics of general and biochemical blood tests, general urinalysis. Results and discussion. Load time before failure, the main indicator characterizing the success of the athlete’s professional activity, did not differ in all three groups when testing the background values, on the 7th and 15th days of the study, but consistently increased from the beginning to the end of the experiment. On the 15th day, 15 the time of specific load “to failure” in all three groups differed from the corresponding background values (p <0.05) due to the training effect. Application of the evaluated drugs had no effect on the level of IPC index in all three groups, but it tended to increase by the end of the experiment due to the trained athletes. The use of the drugs had no effect on the psycho-emotional and psychological state in all groups under study and at all testing points. Conclusion. Evaluation of the sports medicine technologies effectiveness should be carried out taking into account the requirements for their impact on the functional readiness of athletes, determining the success of professional activity. The studies have revealed no influence of the course application of the schemes of pharmacological agents of GCS and GCM against the background of the standard training program and periodic submaximal physical activity on the functional capabilities of the athletes’ organisms. The possibility of using the developed methodological approach to evaluate the effectiveness of sports medicine technologies based on monofactorial effects is shown, using the example of approved pharmacological agents indicated for reducing fatigue.

physical performance, specific stress testing, psycho-emotional state, performance evaluation, athletes
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