Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper provides a historical analysis of the main teaching aids, both Russian and foreign, which influenced the formation of modern classical massage techniques on the use of lubricants in the process of massage procedures. The research assessment section included mainly Russian-language publications of the XX century. The transformation of ideas from the complete acceptance of various means to improve the sliding of the hands of massage therapists during the massage procedure, to the complete rejection of their use, is noted. Aim. To prepare a literature review using Russian and foreign sources and present the data of modern research on the use of means to improve the sliding of the massage therapist’s hands in massage. Conclusion. Having analyzed the sources under study, we formed an opinion that most medical massage techniques should be performed without the use of additional agents that improve the slip of the massage therapist’s hands. However, only the clinical judgement expressed in the studied works is insufficient for the final solution of this problem, and clinical studies involving specialists of related specialties (medical chemists, pharmacologists, etc.) are required.

massage, classical massage, lubricants, massage oils, massage therapist’s hands sliding, massage history
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