The concentration of catecholamines, having positive inotropic and chronotropic effects on heart function, increases under the action of strong stimuli. This mechanism of influence is very important in terms of the development of both coronary and non-coronary myocardial damage. However, further studies have revealed an important role of catecholamines in the regulation of hemostasis processes, which is very relevant in patients with coronary heart disease, as it increases the risk of myocardial infarction. Aim. Based on the literature data, to study the role of catecholamines in the regulation of the hemostasis system as a risk factor for complications in coronary heart disease. Material and methods. We analyzed literature sources in the computer databases «Cyberlennica», «PubMed», «eLibrary» using the search words: «catecholamines – hemostasis», «catecholamines – platelets», «catecholamines – leukocytes», «coronary heart disease – catecholamines», «coronary heart disease – hemostasis», «coronary heart disease – platelets». The analyzed literature describes the results of original studies that characterize the multifactorial influence of catecholamines on the hemostasis system in the coronary heart disease: the effects of these hormones as an important activator of the platelet hemostasis, the role of platelets in activating the coagulation component of hemostasis and its specific features, the importance of leukocytes, erythrocytes, endothelium, changes in the lipid profile in disorders of the blood coagulation process. Therefore, regular monitoring of its condition, timely pharmacological correction is necessary to ensure effective relapse prevention and reduce the risk of complications and fatal outcome. Conclusion. Regular monitoring of the hemostasis system and timely pharmacological correction are necessary to ensure effective relapse prevention and reduce the risk of complications and fatal outcome in patients with coronary heart disease.
catecholamines, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, platelets, coagulation hemostasis, endothelial dysfunction
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