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Abstract (English):
Aim. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the use of KARMOLIS® DROPS in the rehabilitation of patients after COVID-19 infection. Material and methods. The study included and completed observation of 40 medical staff aged 20 to 60 years who had suffered from COVID-19 in a moderate to severe form. The follow-up period was 21 days. The study participants were divided into two groups. The main group (20 people) received KARMOLIS® DROPS. The control group (20 people) treatment was carried out without the use of KARMOLIS® DROPS. The effectiveness was evaluated according to a set of clinical and functional indicators. Results and discussion. Against the background of taking KARMOLIS® DROPS, reliable positive dynamics of the subjective assessment of shortness of breath (MRC scale) and the subjective assessment of sleep quality (Vane A.M. scale) were recorded in the main group. Subjective efficacy of the studied KARMOLIS ® DROPS was noted by almost all patients who underwent treatment, which is probably due to improved sleep and well-being by reducing autonomic reactions. Taking into account the data obtained during the study, KARMOLIS® DROPS can be used in the recovery process after COVID-19 as a component of comprehensive rehabilitation. Conclusion. The safety of using the herbal medicine KARMOLIS® DROPS was confirmed by the absence of adverse events and cases of decompensation of concomitant diseases during the study. Patients’ emotionally positive perception of the drug ensured its high compliance.

acute respiratory infection, COVID-19, postcovid syndrome, respiratory function, psycho-emotional background, shortness of breath, sleep quality, vegetative disorders, phytotherapy, Karmolis
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