As of January 2022, 343 million cases of SARS-CoV-2 were reported globally. COVID-19 is a multi-faceted, multi-systemic illness in which all age groups are susceptible. A number of research findings have shown that COVID-19 is associated with dysbiosis, leading to the development of local and systemic pathologies. It was found that the use of probiotics in the complex therapy of patients with COVID- 19 reduces the severity of the disease and the development of complications. According to the researchers, several mechanisms could explain the therapeutic effect of probiotics, including the ability to suppress pro-inflammatory cytokine formation and modulate the functional activity of the immune system. In Russia, probiotics in the treatment of COVID-19 patients are only used to correct diarrhea, while literature suggests that probiotics have much greater therapeutic potential. Introducing oral bacterial therapy into the treatment and rehabilitation of COVID-19 patients requires further clinical trials.
COVID-19, probiotics, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, intestinal microflora, inflammation
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