Athletes of power sports, often appear to us as a model of a beautiful and healthy body, but the health of the cardiovascular system of these athletes has long falls under the gaze of cardiologists and sport physicians. Purposе of thе study. A comparative analysis of the influence of a uniform and high-intensity aerobic exercise on blood pressure lowering power sports athletes with hypertension. Rеsеarсh Mеthods. The study involved 83 representatives of power sports (bodybuilding) with arterial hypertension. The average age of male athletes was 31.2 ± 4.5 years, and the body mass index was 32.4 ± 2.8 kg/m2. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: examination, interrogation, triple measurement of blood pressure, ergospirometry and methods of mathematical statistics. Athletes were randomized into three groups: interval training group (n = 33), uniform training (n = 30) and control group (n = 20). For 120 days (3 times a week), the athletes of the main groups performed various aerobic work programs, and the control group athletes trained according to their traditional strength protocol. Results. After 120 days of physical rehabilitation, a similar, significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure occurred in the main intervention groups. A decrease in blood pressure in the control group was not statistically significant. Conclusions. Despite the similar benefits in cardio-rehabilitation interval work required 38% less time, which can significantly affect adherence to a non-specific for this sport activity and screening of participant’s lengthy rehabilitation.
arterial'naya gipertenziya, interval'naya trenirovka vysokoy intensivnosti, bodibilding, fizicheskaya reabilitaciya
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