Urinary incontinence is one of the most common urological pathologies and reduces the quality of life of patients. In the development of stress and mixed urinary incontinence in women, an important part belongs to the failure of the pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor muscle training has changed the approach to treating these patients. Pelvic muscle training in combination with biofeedback (BFB) makes it possible to teach patients how to perform exercises correctly, increasing their effectiveness, as a result. This leads to a decrease in the duration of treatment and an improvement in the quality of life of patients. This review deals with mechanisms of urinary retention in women, and presents the pathogenetic rationale for the use of pelvic muscle training and biofeedback in the treatment of urinary incontinence in women. The possibilities of biofeedback therapy for urinary incontinence are shown, treatment methods are described in detail, and the analysis of current results of clinical trials is carried out. To date, it has been proven that the use of pelvic floor muscle training under the control of biofeedback is an effective, available and safe method of treating urinary incontinence in women.
nederzhanie mochi, trenirovka myshc tazovogo dna, uprazhneniya Kegelya, biologicheskaya obratnaya svyaz', myshcy promezhnosti
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