The article presents analyzis of the data of the clinical course of Covid-19 and probable pathogenetic mechanisms of lesions, which are presented in foreign and domestic literature. The hypothesis about the hematotoxic effect of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is considered, which may cause its multi-system action. An analogy is made of the pathogenesis of multiple organ lesions in case of viral infection and in acute poisoning with hemolytic poisons and iron preparations, in which the development of metabolic acidosis, toxic hemolysis, and an increase in free hemoglobin and iron ions in the blood plasma are the central link. The article proposes to use a set of diagnostic measures aimed at confirming the hematotoxic component during SARS-CoV-2 infection and methods for assessing the severity of the condition, adopted in clinical toxicology.Taking into account the experience of treating acute poisoning with hemolytic poisons, attention is focused on the importance of using alkalizing therapy in order to remove the products of hemoglobin breakdown and prevent acute nephritic failure. When confirming the presence of a toxic factor, methods aimed at eliminating toxic products of hemolysis can be used - antidote therapy and methods of surgical detoxification. This complex of therapeutic measures in clinical toxicology is effective, aimed at the prevention of acute renal failure and toxic coagulopathy. The authors believe that the hypothesis of a hematotoxic factor in the pathogenesis of Covid-19 requires a targeted therapeutic strategy and targeted study.
coronavirus infection, Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2, hemolysis, iron poisoning, free hemoglobin, chelate therapy, iron-binding therapy, acidosis, efferent therapy, hemoglobinuria nephrosis, toxic coagulopathy
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