TY JOUR TI Quality of Life Changes Evaluation on the Basis of the International Classification of Functioning at the Third Stage of Rehabilitation: a Retrospective Cohort Study of 40 Women with Breast Cancer KW quality of life KW International Classification of Functioning KW data analysis KW breast cancer KW patients KW antitumor therapy KW rehabilitation KW long term effects JO Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine AU Ivanova., G.E. AU Builova., T.V. AU Belova., L.A. AU Udalov., Y.D. AU Mashin., V.V. AU Suvorov., A.Y. AU Kuvaiskaya., A.A. PY 2022 IS 21 PB Federal State Budgetary Institution «National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology» of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation