TY JOUR TI Effectiveness of Medical Rehabilitation of Patients after a New Coronavirus Infection in a Day Hospital KW medical rehabilitation KW new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) KW post-COVID-19 syndrome KW the severity of the course of the disease KW International Classification of Functioning KW Disability KW and Health (ICF) KW multidisciplinary rehabilitation team KW rehabilitation routing scale JO Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine AU Mishina., I.E. AU Chistyakova., Y.V. AU Pchelintseva., E.V. AU Mitryaeva., I.V. AU Fokicheva., S.O. AU Berezina., E.V. AU Bendin., D.S. PY 2022 IS 21 PB Federal State Budgetary Institution «National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology» of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation