%0 Journal Article %T Experience of Application of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) in Assessment of the Need for Rehabilitation of Patients with Operated Breast Cancer %A Kluge, V.. %A Semiglazova, T.. %A Krivorotko, P.. %A Melnikova, E.. %A Kasparov, B.. %A Kondrateva, K.. %A Semeniuk, M.. %A Tynkasova, M.. %A Kovlen, D.. %A Adhamov, B.. %A Zernov, K.. %A Pesotsky, R.. %A Ryazankina, A.. %A Semiletova, Y.. %A Nazarova, S.. %A Semiglazov, V.. %A Semiglazov, V.. %A Belyaev, A.. %K %J Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine %D 2021 %N 20 %P 13 %I Federal State Budgetary Institution «National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology» of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation