@article{Kluge2021experience, author={Kluge, V.. and Semiglazova, T.. and Krivorotko, P.. and Melnikova, E.. and Kasparov, B.. and Kondrateva, K.. and Semeniuk, M.. and Tynkasova, M.. and Kovlen, D.. and Adhamov, B.. and Zernov, K.. and Pesotsky, R.. and Ryazankina, A.. and Semiletova, Y.. and Nazarova, S.. and Semiglazov, V.. and Semiglazov, V.. and Belyaev, A..}, title={Experience of Application of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) in Assessment of the Need for Rehabilitation of Patients with Operated Breast Cancer}, journal={Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine}, publisher={Federal State Budgetary Institution «National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology» of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation}, year={2021}, pages={70-83}, volume={20}, issue={1}, }